We are proudly endorsed by…


“On behalf of our Executive Board and the nearly 300,000 union members on Long Island, we are proud to endorse Ryan McGarry for Suffolk County Legislator. Our support for Ryan is based on his record as a union leader, as well as public service. We know he shares a common vision with us about the future of Long Island.  Good jobs, with decent pay and benefits, are the basis of a stable middle class lifestyle.  That is something we can achieve together.”

- John Durso, LI Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO President & Ryan Stanton, LI Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO Executive Director


“In both the private sector and while serving in the county government, Ryan McGarry has been a strong advocate for environmental causes, whether it’s working on land preservation, advancing sewer infrastructure and septic system projects, or keeping our natural resources clean. Ryan also supports the Suffolk County Water Restoration Act, offshore wind and solar energy, as well as the expansion of electric vehicles and charging infrastructure. For these reasons, the New York League of Conservation Voters is proud to endorse Ryan McGarry for the Suffolk County Legislature.”

- NYLCV President Julie Tighe


“With enthusiasm, I endorse Ryan McGarry for Suffolk County Legislator. Ryan is a true leader who will work tirelessly to ensure that his constituents will always have a voice in the County Legislature. The 7th LD deserves a representative who will fight to improve their quality of life and deliver the resources to make that possible.

Ryan McGarry is ready to serve and I am proud to stand with him as he carries his message to Election Day and beyond.”

- Thomas DiNapoli, New York State Comptroller

“I've always known Ryan to be a no-nonsense leader who had the ability to bring people together for a common cause. His unwavering support of the working men and women of Suffolk, his willingness to serve as a volunteer, and his commitment to the community makes Ryan the best candidate to bring the people’s voice to the Suffolk County Legislature. I am proud to endorse Ryan's candidacy.”

- Rich Schaffer, Chairman of the Suffolk County Democratic Committee

“Ryan is such a good person, passionate, empathetic and strong willed when he needs to be who actually cares to make our community a better place to live in. He lives and breaths for community engagement and hearing directly from the people. I always look at the person running and make my decisions on who I think would do the best job.”

- Jamie Atkinson, 9/11 First Responder

“Ryan and I met when we served together in the office of the Suffolk County Executive, so I know firsthand that he will always stand for doing what is right. I hope you will join in supporting my friend and colleague, Ryan McGarry. I know he will put people and service before politics and divisiveness and will work tirelessly to advance a moderate, bi-partisan agenda focused on the priorities we Suffolk residents all share.”

- Jim Morgo, Former Suffolk County Legislator

“Please help elect a truly good man to the Suffolk County Legislature. Ryan McGarry is honest, intelligent and a committed public servant. In the nearly 2 decades I have known Ryan he has always been a man of integrity…could we use more of that in government? As a volunteer firefighter, Ryan also understands the need for and the contributions made to our communities by the men and women who wear our flag on their sleeve.”

- Thomas Ronyane, US Navy Veteran

On November 7 I’m voting for Ryan McGarry. Whether you’re a Democrat, Independent or Republican, I urge you to do so as well, why?

Because it’s clear that this is a time for proven leaders with fresh ideas who we can trust, like Ryan McGarry. The era of the “ol boy”Suffolk County political machine is over - or should be.Their brand of back room politics and pandering does not serve us. I was born and raised in the 7th Legislative District and I can tell you, we’ve never needed someone more like Ryan McGarry than we do today - someone who believes in the power and promise of good government. Unlike his opponent, Ryan won’t put party politics above protecting our cherished bays and keeping our drinking water safe and clean.

As a former union leader of the Suffolk County Association of Municipal Employees, I have seen that Ryan is someone who has devoted his life to protecting the dignity of working people/families and their right to a decent living, someone who believes that our government can work, and will work for all of US instead of the other way around.

It’s that kind of integrity we need in our government leaders now. Join me on November 7 and vote for Ryan McGarry for Suffolk County Legislator in the 7th District.

- Cheryl A. Felice, Bellport

“I want to endorse a friend and fellow firefighter, Ryan McGarry, who is ready to further serve the people of Suffolk by running for Legislator of our County’s 7th Legislative District. In the last year that I have come to know Ryan, I find him to be a man of purpose and strength, who is committed to his community and its members. Please join me in supporting (and voting for) Ryan on November 7th! He IS the best candidate for this job!!”

- Robert Silver, Resident of Patchogue

“I have gotten to know Ryan through our work together at Suffolk AME. Ryan is an outstanding person whose work ethic, knowledge of government, and desire to help others are second to none. Ryan winning his district will have a tremendous ripple effect on the entire county, as he will work to ensure that not only are the members of his district well served, but all residents of Suffolk.”

- Nicholas De Bello, Suffolk AME Vice President

“I stood with Mr. McGarry twice at the Brookhaven Landfill as we called for and investigation into the toxic ash that was knowingly dumped there and possibly poisoned the community where I live of North Bellport… We need folks in office that going to protect the people , air , land , water and fight Corruption. Mr. Ryan McGarry for the People is who I trust.”

- Dennis Nix, Resident of North Bellport

“I AM PAC is a non-partisan political action committee, registered and operating in the State of New York, whose founders, officers and members, representing a broad spectrum of political philosophies, will engage in the political arena to make political institutions, elected officials and candidates for public office respond with deeds to the interests and well-being of the Italian American community. …We believe that you [Ryan McGarry] are the kind of individual who embodies the type of leadership our organization supports. Your appreciation of your own heritage, as well as other cultures, demonstrates your ability to respect traditions while moving forward with a vision for the future.”

- Italian American Political Action Committee

“Ryan has the interests of his constituents in mind in every decision he makes. He will always put the people first.”

- Lucy Danziger, Resident of Bellport:

McGarry for the People, the People for McGarry

We called our campaign Ryan McGarry for the People for a reason, and that's because we believe that like good government, good campaigns are centered around the people they support.

We want to hear from you! To submit an endorsement today, please visit the Endorsement Form below.